Funding Opportunities for Collaboration between ACCESS Members
For researchers from multiple institutions
ANID, Promotion of International Linkages for Research Institutions 2024 (FOVI)
The National Agency for Research and Development, ANID, considers the strengthening of Chile’s scientific and technological base as one of its strategic objectives. In particular, this fund aims to support the generation and strengthening of networks to consolidate international links between national scientific and technological research and/or innovation institutions and foreign institutions, which contribute with an interdisciplinary approach to the development and strengthening of international linkage capacities in the different regions and macro-areas of Chile. For more information visit the website.
FORTE, Visiting Researcher Grants
The call is open for applications within Forte’s areas: health, working life, and welfare. There is funding for both incoming and outgoing researchers.
The aim of the visiting researcher grant is to stimulate international contacts and promote the international anchoring and relevance of Swedish research. Special emphasis is placed on facilitating contacts and exchange of experiences among researchers active within Forte’s fields of research.
Call opens: 12 June
Call closes: 28 August
Decisions: October 2024
Project start: December 2024
STINT, International Postdoc
This programme aims to enhance the quality of Swedish research and higher education by enabling researchers who have recently obtained their doctorates to spend time at a host institution abroad. Postdoctoral researchers are thereby given the opportunity to experience different research environments, become more independent, and expand their international networks.
The STINT International Postdoc is a personal grant of SEK 1,000,000 for a postdoctoral stay abroad at least a year in duration. For more information, visit this website.
Vinnova, Planning grant for international proposal
The offer is aimed at actors who want to improve their project applications and opportunities for funding. The offer applies to international calls for proposals in any of the following areas; Sustainable industry, Sustainable societies, Sustainable precision health and Sustainable food systems. You can apply for to SEK 300,000 for project parties. Swedish actors who plan to coordinate a project within Horisont Europa can apply for up to SEK 500,000. The work must be completed within 12 months.
The deadline is November 26, 2024.
Internal Funding Opportunities
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
There are three internal funds for researchers at Católica:
internships abroad and financing for international visits
international conference attendance
organization of scientific meetings in Chile
Options 2 and 3 have two calls per year, and option 1 has one call per year. Please find more info by visiting this website.
Universidad de Chile
At Universidad de Chile, we provide numerous opportunities for students and academics:
New Mobility Fund: This year, the Direction of International Relations will be introducing a dedicated fund for both incoming and outgoing mobility, accessible to lecturers and undergraduate students.
Postgraduate Mobility Fund: A special fund is available for outgoing postgraduate student mobility at the Department of Postgraduate Studies.
Academic Travel Grants: The Vice-Presidency of Research and Development offers Grants to support academics to attend meetings and conferences.
To learn more about these opportunities, visit our website or email us at
Universidad de La Frontera
There are three internal funds for researchers.
1. A fund for participation at international conferences. This fund opens twice a year, once per semester and is especially focused on academics.
2. A fund for internationalization for PhD students. This fund considers short term research stays for working on a thesis or getting to know other research and innovation ecosystems/equipment/ laboratories. This call opens once a year.
3. A fund for short term stays (1-2 weeks) and longer stays for up to three months for academics, focused on knowledge transfer and capacity building on methodologies/ techniques etc for improving education, research and international collaboration in undergraduate studies (short stay) and postgraduate programs (mediums duration). This call opens once a year.
To learn more, please contact:
Universidad de O’Higgins
The academic mobility fund consists of an instrumResearch UOH academics that allows them to participate in international conferences, carry out research internships or invite a researcher of recognized scientific trajectory. The fund is available every 2 years and at any time of the year.
For further information, please contact the Research Department of the UOH. Email: